What Quarantine Looks Like for Me

What crazy times we are living in now.  How is everyone’s quarantine going?  Have you been working throughout this whole thing, working from home, have kids home from school, trying to navigate unemployment?  Everyone is in a strange new situation but somehow we are all in the same boat.  

I have been off of work for over a month now.  And if I had to describe my time alone in one way it would probably have to be DIY.  If you didn’t know already, I am an EXTREME crafter (also maybe a little bit of a craft supply hoarder).  So this was my ideal opportunity to catch up on all my projects I never finished, RIGHT?!  Well… 

Not so much.  I started making a baby blanket for my own dear child growing inside me in December and that crochet project has been sitting at the end of my bed for these last 3 weeks of quarantine.  I have finished one massive project which was this intense paint-by-number I started over a year ago (2 years?).  That has been my biggest accomplishment during this stay-at-home order. 

But more or less, I’ve been starting new fun projects to peak my interest like crocheting succulents, removing old paint from dresser handles, creating macrame plant hangers, making a useless tassel to hang on a door nob.  Those kind of important kinds of things.

I think, during this strange time, I’ve been trying to do things that make me happy.  That sounds so simple but honestly it’s true.  I have still been making good meals for my family, going on walks for my dog, and eating enough to keep baby happy.  But for the most part I have been trying to treat myself in any way I can.  If that means working on my blog for 10 hours a day, or spending 8 hours on Instagram, or time lapsing my entire day, or playing Overcooked for a whole Saturday, or spending the entire day in bed THAT’S WHAT I’M GOING TO DO.  I have the unique opportunity to not be working and not caring for any children (outside my body) yet.  So I’m taking this time to spend time with ME.  I don’t find this selfish and if you do then that’s ok!  But if you were stranded in your house with no kids and no agenda, what would YOU do?  No one is watching.  It’s ok to be a little self centered during this time.

Before you go and hard-core judge me, I still have been helping others and reaching out to friends and family.  I’ve spent this time reconnecting with my husband which we have been praying to do before little baby girl comes in a few months.  God has blessed us with the means to stay home and spend time together.  I’ve made masks for people, I’ve exchanged banana bread for goods, I’ve sent cards to loved ones.  I still think it’s extremely important to connect with the people you love and especially check on your extrovert friends because they are barely hanging in there!

I want to hear how you have been spending your quarantine time for you.  Not for your kids or for your house, or for your grandparents.  FOR YOU.  What is your skin care routine?  What’s your best me-time activity? What’s the best book you’ve read?  What’s your favorite recipe or craft you’ve tried?  Honestly I’d love to hear from you because I’m running out of ideas guys. 

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