Things to do on Your Maternity Leave

This might be a question no one is asking.  What should I do on maternity leave?  Anything you want of course.  Eat chocolate, set up the nursery, put your feet up.  All good answers.  

If you are looking for specific solutions to this issue or just looking to optimize your maternity leave, look no further.


This first one might be painfully obvious but when it hits you it hits you!  I thought I was nesting in my second trimester but now that I’m in my third…oh my word.  I am making dozens of lists, panicking that things won’t get done on time, cleaning things that I’ve never even glanced at twice before.

Nesting does not only mean setting up the baby’s room.  For me it’s meant trying to finish every home project (especially not related to baby).  My blessed, patient husband has helped me with everything from re-doing our outdoor house numbers, to fully cleaning and decluttering and organizing the garage, to retiling the bathroom.  

I think I’m feeling the need to get everything done before she gets here because I believe I can’t do any of these things afterwards.  I must clean the slider track and organize the storage room now otherwise it’ll never get done. 

I haven’t even gotten to the decorating the nursery and washing all the clothes and blankets stage!  All we’ve done is clear the room and prime the walls for painting.  But I have a list so everything will be ok.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed during this time (or maybe that’s just me!) so enjoy this nesting time.  You’re making room for your new baby.  You are making your home a better place so she can become a part of your family.  Give yourself some grace and take this time to reflect on your life before, your life now, and what your life will become after this baby becomes your whole world.  

Take Time for Yourself

Easier said than done, right?  Especially when I just talked about ALL the stuff I need to get done before she gets here!  But honestly you can do it.  You’ll thank yourself later.

For me, taking time for myself looks like this: screen time.  Basically that is all.  I’ve downloaded fun new games on my phone,  I’ve binged shows that I’ve been dying to watch or rewatch, or I have simply scrolled through pointless Facebook videos for hours into the night. 

You’re asking, “Can’t you do this after the baby is born?”  ABSOLUTELY.  As much as I hope and pray I won’t get mom-guilt, I know I will.  But you still need me-time after the baby is here.

Another thing I try to do regularly is “Me-Time Monday.”  Sounds super corny, I’m aware.  But somehow I’ve always taken time for myself on Mondays even before I was pregnant.  Setting aside that time on a specific day helps you keep a schedule and keep yourself accountable.  Mondays are a great day too because the weekends always seem to be filled with projects or get-togethers or planning for the week.  

So my Me-Time Monday is time I take to not do laundry and sit and watch some TV and knit.  Or I drink some tea and do a face mask or even take a bath.  Do what makes you happy and do it intentionally.  Spend that time alone now and really appreciate it.

Spend Time with Your Partner

This is another one of those “oh yeah of course…” situations but you really need to set aside time to do this.  Fortunately for me, a big chunk of my pregnancy has been during COVID quarantine!  When I first got pregnant one of my main goals was to spend more time with my husband before the baby comes and by golly did that ever happen!  I had about 6 weeks off of work and he worked from home so we saw each other and only each other for quite some time.

At first we just were planning Friday night date nights.  (And mind you, this is our first kid so we had some freedom to go out whenever so obviously schedule things according to your lifestyle.)  But I thought we’d do a lot of fun things like mini golf or bowling or double dates or crazy things like going to Target together.  No.  Most nights were getting Chinese food and finding a movie on Disney+.  Usually I was so tired that nothing sounded better at the end of the day than eating takeout and falling asleep watching TV on the couch.

So don’t feel like you need to do anything wild and adventurous.  Just spend that quality time and set it aside to make it intentional.  I feel like this has become a good habit for us that’ll we’ll carry into the future too.  Those date nights are going to be essential once you grow your family.  

Prepare for Postpartum

This is one I’m still working on.  I’ve got the fun things like toys and books for baby girl, the nursery being set up, and all the necessary things for her to survive.  But what about me?  What about you mama?  Your body is about to go through A LOT, not even counting how much you’ve already gone through with your entire pregnancy.

Here are some things to help you prepare (for you) for after you give birth:

  1. Get those nursing bras.  Get the ones to sleep in and the day to day ones too.  Just make yourself as comfortable as you can.  I just started wearing these ones and oh my lanta I already love them.
  2.  Nursing pads.  I hear you might leak a little?  I’ve registered for disposable and reusable/washable ones.
  3. Postpartum recovery kit.  I’ve heard good things about the Frida Mom kit with all the things you’ll need right away.  I know they give most of these things to you at the hospital but it’s good to have backups if you want it.
  4. Miscellaneous items like freezer pads, a belly binder, nipple cream, stool softener, and pain relief spray.  I will probably do an in depth post on everything I use after the baby is born but for right now I’m not the expert!

Listen to your doctors and listen to your body.  Maybe listen to your baby too.  Like I’ve said, I’ve never gone through this before so this is me learning with everyone else and how I’ve prepared along the way.

I hope your pregnancy is going well if you’re expecting!  Sometimes it’s a little (or a lot!) of the unexpected but you just need to remember the end result!  I think this is more of a reminder for me than anyone!  Enjoy your maternity leave whether it’s 2 weeks or 10.  That babe will be here sooner than you know it!

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