Confessions of a Lazy Lady

Hi friends.  How’s your summer going?  It has been SO hot these last few weeks.  Being 9 months pregnant now I’ve been staying in the air conditioning as much as possible and plan my outings around air as well.  

Ok no more procrastinating.  You want to know how I’ve become so lazy right?  Just kidding you want to know why.  And how it works for me.

First of all, I’m very aware that I’m lazy.  But it’s one of those things if someone tells you look tired and you’re tired, you don’t want to hear it.  If someone called me lazy to my face, I’d probably be a little offended.  I know I’m a fantastic procrastinator and I’m definitely ok with that.  It works for me.

Here’s things I’ve learned with being lazy:

  1. It doesn’t make you a horrible person.  I put things off for a long time, but I normally get them done.  I still do things to my fullest capability, it just has to be on my own time.
  2. Taking time for yourself is ok.  Being lazy, I have a lot of “me time”.  And in this crazy life we run these days, I think a little self care goes a long way.  I’ve learned that lesson being on a partial maternity leave (and now a full one).  And during quarantine!  I don’t need to do it all!  Starting a new craft project but putting off laundry for a day is totally ok.  Getting takeout for the 3rd night in a row instead of stressing about dinner again is fine.  
  3. Find things that make you happy and do them every day.  I love ice water.  Such a simple thing.  I make sure I constantly have ice water throughout the day and it perks up my happiest just in the slightest.  I watch a guilty pleasure TV show every day.  Whether it’s The Bachelor or  Shark Tank or When Calls the Heart, you’ve gotta just turn off your brain and indulge.
  4. Plan to be lazy.  This sounds like an oxymoron right?  But I’m also a super planner on top of being lazy.  Saturdays are our cleaning days.  My husband and I get as much cleaning done in the morning on Saturdays so then we can chill on Friday nights and, after we clean, we have the rest of the weekend free.  I also plan that Friday nights are date nights and Tuesday nights are girl’s nights.  That way I know I need to get all my crap done before those times so I can really enjoy the lazy times. 
  5. Laziness makes you really innovative.  I craft because I don’t want to spend full price on something I can make.  I just recently cut my own hair (see below).  I shop at Aldi because I don’t care about brand names and the store is faster to get through.  I’ve found things that are easier, quicker, cheaper because I do it the “lazy” way.

I think the word “lazy” is perceived as a terrible word because it relates with having no motivation, unwilling to do something, or being super slow at doing anything.  But a lot of the times, that’s what I am.  I’m about to be a mother and there are lazy solutions I want to teach my kid.  And I probably will be a lazy parent!  Does that make me a horrible human being? NO.

I am going to value slowed down family time.  I might not wash a bottle right away to I can stare at my daughter as she sleeps.  I might put off laundry so I can film my dog playing with the baby for the first time.  I’ll ask for a sitter so my husband and I can get out of the house to get groceries and dinner for a couple hours.

Some might call me selfish but I see myself as valuing things that I think are priority.  There will be plenty of time to stress over my child’s extracurricular activities, or having the perfect landscaping, or finishing the latest house project.  But for now, in this time in my life, I’m gonna be lazy.  Yeah I said gonna.  

Try this sometime: make a list of everything you hold dear to right now, everything that brings you joy and peace and happiness.  Take that list and memorize it or keep it somewhere that you and your family can see it.  Are you really doing these things daily?  Are you prioritizing things in your life that bring you joy?  I’m staring to sound like Marie Kondo but you know what I’m trying to say.  Do a little bit of what you love every day even if it means delaying things you should be doing.

Find a way to simply eat a piece of chocolate every day.  Just for today, put off something that brings you stress but make a point to do it tomorrow.  Or!  Do it right now so you don’t have to do it tomorrow and it’ll be done.  Plan a weeknight game night with your family or a date night just because instead of cleaning out the garage.  The garage will always be there.  Believe me I’ve checked.  

I’m a list maker.  I put things down on paper so I will get them done (otherwise I know I never will!).  The satisfaction of checking things off a list!  Oooweee!!  But once they’re done they are done man.  I feel like I have a million things still to get done before this baby comes (and she could be here any day now!) but I’m still taking things day by day.  I write things down, I check them off, and I feel better. 

I’m not overworking myself, I’m asking for help, and I’m taking my time.  

Try being lazy today.  You might like it.

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