5 Ways to be More Productive Right Now

Productivity is not something a lazy girl like me excels in.  It’s something I put off until the last possible minute.  And I’m really good at doing that.  

But let me tell you about procrastinating productivity.  Sometimes that is the best way I get things done.  If I put off cleaning or writing or projects for so long, I’m forced to get them done quickly and efficiently.  

I have 5 really great ways that help a lazy lady like me get things done.  They force me stay on track and optimize my time.  

1. Make a List

Making lists is the best way to stay on track and free your mind at the same time.  I write grocery lists, list of things I need to get clean, honey-do lists, and house project lists.  

List making is my number one tip because you can physically see what needs to get done and have the satisfying feeling of crossing things off.  You never feel more productive than checking things off an actual list.  

Lists help you stay on track and see what comes next.  Visual goals are so important because there are no way to avoid them.  

2. Timelapse Video

This is one of those secret tricks I don’t think enough people do.  The number 1 way I get myself to clean my kitchen is to take a video of me cleaning it.

Sounds ridiculous, right?  It is a little but hear me out.  I have a little phone tripod I hook my phone up to and hit the video timelapse button.  Off I go!  You honestly feel like you’re going faster because the video is “going faster” and also…someone is watching you.  

I’ve really creeped you out now.  These videos I post to my Instagram story and you would not believe the response I’ve gotten to them!  So many people tell me how satisfying it is to watch them.  Quickly watching the transformation of anything is so enjoyable to see.   I honestly watch them back so many times.  

This seems like a ridiculous step in cleaning your kitchen but try it sometime!  It motivates me to get that “before and after” look and post some enjoyable content!

3. Finish One Thing (or area) Completely

If you’re anything like me when you try to get something done you flit from one thing to the next never fully completing anything.  I dust the living room, then clean a toilet, then empty the dishwasher, and then go to eat lunch and feel like I’ve accomplished nothing at all.

Try sticking to one area of the house while cleaning.  Scrub that bathroom from top to bottom.  And I mean only one bathroom.  Don’t move on and do all the toilets at once or just the floors in every room.  Finish the bathroom all the way and see how you feel.  

And this doesn’t mean you have to do this every time.  Sometimes I only do the toilets or just the dishes.  But if I really want to feel like I’ve accomplished something big, I do one complete area.

This goes along with projects too.  This weekend I started crocheting a bear stuffed animal and knew I had to finish it by Sunday night or else I’d never get it done.  I’m the queen on uncompleted projects!  That’s all I set my mind to and I finished it!  And it’s super adorable.

Don’t start several blog posts or 5 different home renovation projects.  Start something and follow through with it!

4. Give Yourself a Time Limit

Stressed out about getting things done?  Do you feel like there’s not enough hours in the day to accomplish anything?  Set a time limit!

These time limits don’t even need to be an hour!  Give yourself 15 minutes and see how much of the living room you can pick up.  See how many dishes you can put away with the 2 minutes and 30 seconds left on the microwave.  

This works so well with kids too!  (Before you come at me with “Brittany you only have a 2 month old baby…what would you know about kids and cleaning?”)  I worked in a daycare for 5 years and I have been watching my niece and nephew weekly for about 4 years.  Kids thrive on structure and stability.  Counting down and letting them know how much time is left on something helps their minds compute! 

Sometimes I tell my niece and nephew they have 45 minutes until something and then with 15 minutes left it’s time to clean up.  This gives them lots of time to think about it even if they don’t quite grasp the concept of time yet.  Then set a physical timer that they can see or hear.  

This works for adults too!  I love seeing that timer count down and push myself to get as much done in that window of time as I can.

5. Schedule a Day to get Things Done

Saturdays are my day for cleaning.  My mom implemented this rule when we grew up and it stuck with me.  When I know there is a set day to do something, honestly, I put it off until then.  Sometimes all week my house is a wreck because I know on Saturday morning I will be cleaning. 

This helps my brain compartmentalize how my entire week will run.  Actually sometimes when I clean a little bit here and there throughout the week then I know I have less to do on Saturday!  This happened this week and I got to do something else that day!

If I have that designated time to clean on Saturday morning then my time (and headspace) is cleared to do whatever else I want for the rest of the weekend or week.  

I write on Sundays, I do laundry Mondays, and I clean on Saturdays. 

Just think of the feeling of looking forward to something during the week.  Friday coffee with the girls is one of my favorite things!  Doing that every week leaves me with no guilt of leaving my house how it is because I know the next day is cleaning day and I have purposefully set that time aside.

I thrive off of a schedule.  I want a lesson plan, a nap schedule, an hour by hour report, and a filled out calendar.  Brittany is a lazy daisy who has a purpose.  Maybe I do things the laziest way but that does not mean I don’t get things done!

Hopefully these tips make you feel a tiny bit more successful this week.  Just start by making a list and see where that leads you!  Have a productive week (but don’t work too hard)!

If you want to know more about being lazy and productive at the same time see this post about being the ultimate Lazy Lady!

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