5 Things to Make Your Life Easier

Everyone is looking for ways to make their life easier.  Whether it’s to not have to plan dinner, to remember where your car keys are, or to have more time to do the things you love.  By no means do I have my life together but I have a few helpful hints to make your life a touch simpler.

Thinking of these things made me really step back and evaluate my life.  Where are my problem areas and what would I wish would be easier for me?  I’m quickly approaching 30 and have been married for 6 years and have owned a home for 3.  I’ve really delved deep into what’s worked for me and what has, in the long run, made me happy!

It’s interesting how your life changes and what’s important to you shifts as you get older!  I care more about a cleaning schedule and when I can squeeze in a game night than I do going out to dinner or seeing the latest movie.  Priorities change as your life change and I think that’s so amazing!

So here’s just a few things that I’ve found to make my life easier and to be satisfied with the day to day swing of things.

1. Make Lists

I love making lists.  It’s like a hobby for me.  And I’ve talked about this before but it’s just so fun to cross things off and feel accomplished!  It makes me motivated to finish it.

I don’t think lists should stop at just grocery lists and to do lists.  I think you should write down your dreams, your house projects, what you need to buy for Christmas.  Physically writing things down helps release it from your mind, organize visually and put yourself at ease.

Imagine a cluttered pantry.  Then imagine the satisfaction after it’s organized and labeled and everything is put into those beautiful acrylic bins and spinning on turn tables.  That’s what it’s like to make lists and put things into categories.  Write down your thoughts.  Use that list as a reference and put your mind at ease.

Another helpful tip: I keep a small notebook in my purse.  If I need to make a list while I’m out and about I can always write something down.  I like to write my grocery lists on there too so I don’t always have a bunch of loose pieces of paper I’m searching for.

2. Overcook

No, I do not mean burn your food.  I am talking about making more servings than people in your household! 

Right now, it’s just me and my husband eating table food (little Violet has just started purees).  So most of the time when I cook it’s easier to make big batch of things with 3 or 4 servings instead of making food for only 2.  

I hate thinking up dinner ideas and I really don’t like cooking all that much either.  So when I make food, I make a lot so I can save some for leftovers.  Then the next day when it’s 6 p.m. and I forgot to think of anything for a meal (yet again) then I have something on hand!

Also, if you’re stressed, just get takeout!  Don’t worry over it, don’t think too much about it and don’t regret it later.  Sometimes you just need to not cook for a minute.  If it makes your life easier here and there then go for it!

3. Clean One Thing at a Time

Cleaning is something I do every single day whether I want to or not.  And no one really talks about it.  I thought I knew how to clean really well until I worked for a residential cleaning company.  There are nooks and crannies of houses (and toilets!) that I never knew existed! 

When I say clean one thing at a time that means a few different things.  First of all, start with one room.  I never feel better than when my kitchen is tidy and sparkling.  It’s the hub of my home and if I feel like my house is a mess then I know at least cleaning my kitchen will make me feel better.

Second of all cleaning one thing at a time can look like just cleaning the sinks today or just dusting.  And I’m not even going to tell you to break out your chore/cleaning chart and make sure you clean something every day.  NO!  You honestly don’t have to.  Also you don’t have to really listen to me because I don’t live with you and absolutely don’t care what your house looks like.  

But if we are talking about making our lives easier here (hence this post title) then cleaning one little thing every once in a while is what gets me by.  I thought I was always coined “the messy one of the family.”  I didn’t care for a long time if things were messy or clean or spotless or grimy.  But, oh my word, I do!

Keeping some things clean is actually really important to me.  And notice I said some.  If I start to stress too much about things being clean then that’s bad for my mental health too. 

But I believe having things tidy and clean actually makes your life easier.  You know where things are, you don’t have to stress over dirty things, you don’t have to endlessly scrub at something cuz it has molded over sitting there for a few years (guilty! won’t tell you what!) and you don’t have to deep clean all the time. 

Ok I feel like I’ve been all over the place talking about this but the main thing I’m trying to say is clean one thing at a time as to not stress over the big picture.  Your brain will thank you now and your body will thank you later.

4. Organize Once a Month

To go along with cleaning is organizing!  Woohoo!

I organize once a month subconsciously.  I don’t have a list for this (currently) and don’t always plan to organize but somehow it ends up happening.

Last month it was clearing out Violet’s clothes and things she’s outgrown and setting aside Christmas decorations that I no longer use to donate.  It’s as simple as that!

Sometimes organization projects are extremely overwhelming.  I’m talking about those satisfying videos of people clearing their walk in pantries and filling all the acrylic containers full of cereal and getting custom labels for everything.  That kind of project.  That is not what I’m talking about here.  

I’m saying tackle one project a month.  Whether it’s swapping out kid’s toys so they feel excited about old toys that were in storage.  Or take 10 minutes this month to rearrange your coffee mugs from tallest to shortest or get rid of some you don’t use anymore.  

Not only will small things like this make your life a tiny bit simpler, it’ll give your house some room to breathe.  Last year during the loooong time of quarantining we went through every room in our house and purged a TON of stuff!  Not only did we have room for another person to live in our home but I felt more peaceful seeing things less cluttered and chaotic.  

I’m no Marie Kondo, ok, but I really do believe in the power of decluttering.  If I organize or simplify something I know where it is, I use it more often, and I love it even more!  

5. Be Happy with What You Have

It seems strange to put that here on a making your life easier post.  Seems more like “how to be content” situation.  But honestly it will make your life easier in the long run.

It’s really difficult not to compare yourself to others or want what other people have.  It’s kind of the culture we live in.  We spend money and it makes us happier temporarily until we want the next big thing.  

I would like everyone to take lesson today from Violet.  She is six months old and loves to grab anything in sight right now.  When she is playing on her own she sits in one of three bouncy/play seats or lays on her play mat.  I have a basket full of toys downstairs, a bin of books upstairs, toys attached to all these seats and lots of blankets to make her comfortable or warm.  

This girl could play with one toy at a time and be absolutely content.  Heck, I could give her a spoon or a dog toy and she would be so excited!  She sees what’s in front of her and is so happy she has one thing to hold on to in her tiny hands.  

It’s so easy to say let’s all have the mindset of a child and be happy with the simple things in life.  We can get anything we ever dreamed of at the click of button.  But once you start really being grateful for what you have then your life becomes way easier. 


I would like to reiterate that I am not perfect.  I let mold grow in my toilets occasionally, I cleaned half of my garage a year ago and never finished the rest, and I eat Little Caesar’s pizza once a week because I hate thinking up meals.  I need help making my life more streamlined just as much as the next person.  

Sometimes we just need a little reminder that we don’t have to work so hard to make our lives easier.  All it takes is a little bit of logic and a tiny more bit of planning.  Have patience with yourself and try something out today that will help you tomorrow.

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